The purpose of our kickoff was to get the kids excited about Exhibition and to create a team building and collaborative atmosphere. We scheduled the kickoff for a Friday afternoon. Outside we set up 7 stations (there are 7 fourth grade classes) with the 4 Special Area teachers, IB Coordinator, Principal and Vice Principal running each station.
Here is what we had at each station:
1- Cup Challenge:Groups must stack cups without touching the cups with their hands- can only use strings tied to a rubber band.
2- Stand Up: Students sit on the ground elbows locked and knees bent. Try to stand up without unlocking elbows.
3- Contact Improvisation: Create movement while staying connected to a partner.
4- Knots: Students hold hands and must untangle while remaining connected and form a circle again.
5- Parachute: Group ball launcher
6- What’s my name? Summary: Name of a historical person on your back. You must walk around and ask yes/no questions to try
7- Trust Walk:
Students are in pairs; they take turns closing eyes and being led by their partner safely from point A to point B
The kids had tons of fun! They learned to work together and it got them excited to start thinking about what they are passionate about.Afterwards, each class met to start talking about what Exhibition means for 4th graders at Simis. As we reflected on the Kickoff we agreed that some of the stations could have been more team building but overall we are glad we did something like it this year!